Monthly Archives: April 2016

Last Blog


I have really enjoyed blogging lately. It keeps me busy and it is better than going a whole bunch of writing and work. I really liked blogging because it is somewhere where you can let your thoughts flow onto the computer. It is also a place where you can express your opinion. Sometimes it was hard to think of a school appropriate topic because these days teens have really messed up minds. And I am a teen so therefore I have a messed up mind. I leaned that you can learn almost anything from a computer and you can spread that learning with everyone else. I also learned that the internet is a really big part of learning in schools these days. Blogging can be used in other classes such as ELA for writing assignments and essays. Online learning is definitely the fun way to learn and I really don’t think there is anyway to improve it until we get older then there will be something that needs improved but for now there isn’t so lets enjoy it.
